ComputerScience & Embedded/NUCLEO & CAN Tranceiver

STM32 HAL and Project Architecture

leecrossun 2025. 3. 1. 14:59

Understanding Project Hierarchy

  • Drivers
    • CMSIS : CMSIS-CORE layer
      • no written by the ST engineers, given by ARM
      • written for one of mc (eg. ARM Cortex-Mx) can be used on another mc based on same processor
      • it helps develop a portable application across multiple mc
      • not for peripherals but for a processor and its associated peripheral (eg. NVIC, SysTick timer, Memory Protection Unit …)
    • STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver : STM32-CUBE Layer (STM32Fx_HAL_DRIVER)
      • GPIO peripheral driver files which are added by CubeMX software
  • Inc : user application-related header files
  • Src : user application-related source files
  • startup : startup codes to the project

Project Layers Interaction

  • Application code and other source files (main.c)
    • take the help of an API which is exposed by the device HAL in order to talk to the peripheral of a microcontroller
    • hal_cortex.c
      • provided by the CMSIS layer
      • go through CMSIS-CORE when it wants to configure processor specific features
    • hal_uart.c
      • provided by ST

STM32 Cube framework program flow

HAL_UART_Transmit API cannot be called right at the beginning of the main.c

→ Before interacting with any peripherals, it’s important to address several key considerations


💡 Some Mandatory and Optional MCU Inits

  • Flash Controller Inits
    • Enabling pre-fetch buffer, Data cache, Instruction cache if supported
  • Floating point unit inits if supported
  • Setting up Stack
  • System Clock settings
    • HSI - High Speed Internal clock (RC oscillator)
    • HSE - High Speed external clock (crystal based oscillator)
    • System PLL - Phased Locked Loop engine
  • Flash wait state settings when system clock is more
  • Systick Timer init to trigger interrupt for every 1ms
    • Required when using STM32 HAL APIs


  • Flash Interface Init
    • Stm32f4xx_hal_conf.h
      • provide configuration required in order to properly init a mc
      • provided by the ST’s Cube layer
  • SysTick timer init to gernerate interrupt fo 1ms
    • Background clock always will be ticking in the Cube Mx generated code (like heartbeat)
    • APIs to transmit data over UART, SPI, I2C, CAN (almost all data transfer) actually depend upon this SysTick timer
  • Other Processor Specific Low level init
    • HSL_MspInit() should be implemented in application layer (msp.c)
    • actually to deal with some of the processor level details and this is application specific. So, that's why HAL_Init() actually calls HAL_MspInit()
    💡 What HAL_MspInit has to do
    1. Enabling required system exception
    2. Configuring priority for system exception
    3. Enabling and configuring other processor features such as MPU, FPU, etc. if required </aside>

    • 추가로 찾아본 결과
      • HAL은 하드웨어에 의존적이지 않은 인터페이스를 제공하지만, MSP는 하드웨어 설계에 따라 종속적인 초기화 작업을 처리하므로 User Application Layer에 해당 (예: 특정 핀을 UART용 TX/RX로 설정하거나 NVIC를 특정 인터럽트에 대해 활성화하는 작업)

Understanding main.c, msp.c, It.c

